Road sense –is a good judgment in avoiding trouble or accidents on the road. A Good road sense results from contributing efforts from all the sectors of the society including both civilians and Govt. officials.

  • Tips for Driver Road Sense
  • Tips for Good Pedestrian Road Sense
  • Tips For Good School Children Road Sense
  • Tips to Dive in Night
  • Tips to Drive in bad Weather

Tips to driver for having Good Road Sense.

1. Be a cautious and courteous driver. Have consideration for others.

2. Avoid creating a situation that may provoke another motorist.

3. Don't tailgate.

4. Always wear helmets and seat belts

5. Don't make inappropriate hand and facial gestures.
6. Use horn sparingly.

7. Stay far behind a suspected drunken driver.
8. Always wear safety belts.

9. Use low beams in bad weather conditions.

10. Keep specified speed limits in mind while driving.

11. Limit the speed at curves and turns.

12. During nighttime be cautious about road signs, pedestrians, animals, slow moving vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles.

13. If someone is catching up and wants to overtake, let him.

14. Don't drive faster than the flow of the traffic.

15. Car drivers and others in cars should wear seat belts.

16. Always carry your driving license and important documents such as your vehicle registration certificate, insurance certificate, road tax, and P.U.C certificate with you while driving.

17. Don't drink while driving or Don't drive under influence of drugs.
18. Obey all traffic signals, lights and signs, Use indicators and signals while changing lanes.

19. Don't use cell phones while driving, Always stay alert while on road and be considerate to pedestrians especially with senior citizens, handicapped ladies, and children,.

20. Don't overload vehicles.

21. Don't drive if tired.

22. Avoid sudden braking and harsh acceleration. Don't use tinted glasses, Always drive in correct gears.

Tips for Good Pedestrian Road Sense

The most important safety tip to reduce pedestrian injuries is to pay attention. Follow safety rules on the road and live long. In order to be safe while walking on roads of Delhi, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Make eye contact with drivers if possible and make sure that they can see you.

2. Avoid walking next to the kerb with your back to the traffic.

3. Wear or carry something light colored, bright or fluorescent in poor daylight conditions. When it is dark, use reflective materials (e.g. armbands, sashes, waistcoats and jackets.

4. Walk between children and the traffic and hold their hands firmly.

5. Always walk on the footpath, where there is no footpath, walk in the right side margin of the road so that you can see the traffic coming in the opposite direction.

6. Cross roads where there are pedestrian crossings. Where there are no pedestrian crossings, watch the traffic on both sides and cross when it is safe.

7. You must not walk on motorways or slip roads except in an emergency.

8. Never walk on the main carriageway.

9. Do not read newspapers or look at hoardings while walking on the road.

10. Do not greet friends on the road.

11. Do not come on to the main road while waiting for a bus. Do not run after a moving bus. Get on or off a bus only when it has stopped to allow you to do so.

12. Do not climb over the barriers or walk between them and the road.

13. You must not get on to or hold on to a moving vehicle.

14. Don't "Drink and Walk."

15. When using any type of crossing you should always check that the traffic.

16. You must not loiter on zebra crossings.

17. If an ambulance, fire engine, police or other emergency vehicle approaches using flashing blue lights, headlights and/or sirens, keep off the road.

Tips For School Children

Children should be taught the safety code and should not be allowed on the road alone until they can understand and follow it properly. Children learn by example, so parents and teachers should always follow the Code properly when going out with their children. In order to make school children safe on roads, keep the following tips in mind:

1. Always walk on the footpath only. On roads without footpath, walk on the extreme right hand side of the roads.

2. Do not be impatient on the road.

3. Do not rush or run on the road.

4.Cross only at Zebra crossings, traffic signals, subways, foot over-bridges.

5.Cross only on a clear green signal.

6. Do not cross unless all lanes are clear.

7. Never cross a road at a corner or curve.

Driving at Nights

Even in perfect weather and with good headlights properly adjusted, you cannot see as far or as much at night as you can in daylight. Night driving is not as simple as driving in daylight. The night-time need is therefore a far more alertness and a realization that you cannot safely drive as fast as you would during the day.

1. Do not drive in dark, if your vision does not permit you to do so.

2. If you have left a brightly lit building, give your eyes time to adapt to the dark environment, before you start driving.

3. Check for your headlights, dippers, indicators and all illuminating devices for proper working while driving at night.

4. Check for the proper working of the controls.

5. Never dazzle the approaching drivers. Dip lights when you find a vehicle approaching in the opposite direction.

6. Remember, night driving doesn't mean only driving in the night. It includes the periods of dusk and dawn and even the cloudy climates, which seem more or less, like the dark night

Driving in Bad Weather:

The weather conditions for driving may not be favorable at all times. In case of a bad weather, try to avoid driving. If you must drive, take particular care:

1) Check that your windscreen, wiper and washers are working properly as you may have to use them at any time.

2) Take all the precautionary measures required to face the adverse weather conditions such as a raincoat or umbrella for a rainy day, a woolen sweater or jacket for chilly weather.

3) Drive at lower speeds so that you will be able to stop within the visible road distance, in case an emergency shoots up.

4) On wet roads, the sudden braking may slide the vehicle to right or left depending upon the camber or the road surface. In case you lose control due to skid, steer the vehicle quickly and smoothly towards the direction of skid. Keep yourself ready to face any such unexpected events.

5) In case of foggy weather, use anti-misting agents to keep your view clear.

6) Under any conditions, drive only with the headlights on.


Govt High School Chandrayangutta


School Programmes
